Heavy Equipment Auction

Vehicles and Surplus Auction

Next Auction March 2025
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Auction has been a popular method of selling going back more than a century. Today, auction is widely used to sell all manner of property including residential, commercial, luxury, waterfront, industrial, vacant lots and bank owned. And, contrary to popular belief, it is widely and successfully used for more than just distressed property! More and more sellers are turning to auction in the current market, and this trend will continue well into the future.
Auction provides a spirited, urgent environment which sets bidders against each other to compete for property. Why wait around for one offer when you can set a bidding war on your own terms? There is no more accurate way to establish true market value than to openly compete in the environment of a professional auction, and often sellers achieve higher prices than in a "traditional" sale.
Real Estate: Luxury * Residential * Commercial * Industrial
Vacant Land * Heavy Equipment * Government Auction * Bankruptcy * Surplus
At Graham Auction Company we've been asset disposition leaders for over 64 years, offering superior sale support and an array of sophisticated marketing solutions to help meet our clients' needs. We've distinguished ourselves through the professionalism of our sales teams, our dedication to establishing long-term relationships and our generous cooperation incentives for brokers. We offer immediate access to our vast experience, personalized services and quality asset marketing programs. At Graham Auction Company, we give you the efficiency and experience you need and the care you deserve.