Earn Substantial Commissions

Sellers | Buyers | Brokers | REO/Developers
All over the country, Real Estate Agents, Realtors® and brokers are discovering that a Graham Auction Company auction can transform properties into the center of attention and turn an aging or expiring listing into a commission. With our highly visible campaign to a regional, national and global audience, a Graham auction casts a wider net than other programs. That's why brokers who have turned to Graham in the past tend to come back with future properties.
Earn substantial commissions
Properties are exposed to many qualified potential buyers
Properties sold in a short period of time
Innovative, proven, successful option to real estate marketing
Develop your own market niche
We cooperate 50/50 with listing brokers
To learn more about being a referring broker, please contact us.
Brokers, who have time-motivated sellers, partner with Graham because they can sell and close their property in an accelerated time frame. Through Graham's selected database, you can effectively reach an exclusive and affluent buyer profile, while freeing up your time and resources to obtain new clients and listings.
The ideal candidate for a Graham auction is a property with a seller committed to selling at a market price determined by the open competition of the auction. It can be especially useful for properties that, for some reason, have had difficulty rising above the market clutter and attracting attention. Because numerous factors go into a property's suitability for auction, it is best to consult a Graham Auction Company Marketing Specialist for a complete evaluation.
How to Represent a Buyer
With our Buyer Broker Program, brokers are able to earn substantial commissions by representing buyers at auction. A commission will be paid to any properly licensed buyer's broker who registers a successful buyer according to the Broker Participation Guidelines. The compensation of licensed real estate brokers is based on the amount of the written opening bid they secure from their potential buyer. Broker registration forms are available from the Auction Information Center and must be completed and returned no later than 48 hours prior to the auction.
Should their client be the successful purchaser, they will be paid a percentage of the written opening bid amount submitted 48 hours before the auction, and a percentage of the difference between their clients' opening bid and the final high bid price. Thus, the broker can earn maximum commission only through the submission of a high opening bid. The higher an opening bid, the more commission the broker can earn. In order for a commission to be paid, the client must close on the property(s) and must pay the total contract price for the property(s).
This program has produced excellent opening offers for our sales and has also aided us in conveying many properties before the auction for outstanding prices. More than 85% of our events included broker participation.
Broker Participation
For the past 58 years, real estate agents and brokers throughout the United States and beyond have enjoyed a strong partnership with Graham Auction Company, often earning sizable referral fees, either as a cooperating listing broker or buyer's agent. In fact, after experiencing the power and effectiveness of real estate auctions, many have opted to join our firm, becoming successful Graham Auction Company representatives.
How to Refer Your Seller - Referring Broker